Hey, hope you’re having a great day, and thanks for joining me. This is a series I call Did You Know. Do you use LinkedIn? And did you know you can use exclusions on LinkedIn? More specifically, if you filter by title, there are a number of things you can do to make sure that the results of those filters are more relevant to your search. So let’s get right at it. Let’s take a look at Sales Navigator and see how this can be done. So here we have a general sales navigator screen. I want you to go down to titles, and I want you to type in marketing. Or I will type in marketing as if you were doing it. Type in marketing and look at the results. I’m going to select a small geographic area, so the results are a little bit more tame. So here we have 96 results for marketing. There’s lots of different ways to use the title field. But I don’t like to put in, for instance, if you want Vice president of marketing, I don’t like to put in the word VP of marketing or vice president of marketing because LinkedIn will only select those the way you spelled it. So if you do VP of marketing, it may not pick up vice president of marketing.
So the way I do it, or the way I think is most efficient, is to put in marketing. Then go up to seniority level and select VP. And so that narrows down our results to 14 contacts. And now, if you want to exclude several things that you might not like in your results – and by the way, that’s a really good way to evaluate your results. Look at your results and decide what you don’t like. And normally, it’s easier to exclude those things than to try and select around them. So one way to do that is to put in words into the results. So by omitting the word assistant, I limit my results. And limiting results is a good idea because once you come up with the data set you want, you don’t want to waste time on things that aren’t relevant. So you can make this a very long list. You can put in the word intern or associate. Hover over those words like this, and hit the exclusion button, which is the round circle. And again, it will reduce it. So I had 14 results. By removing intern, I have 13 results. And on a large scale, that’s an awful lot as a percentage. And as you make this list of titles longer, you will find that your results are exactly what you’re looking for.
So now that you have results that are exactly what you’re looking for, what do you do? And how do you leverage the power and depth of LinkedIn? And the answer is inchworm. Inchworm is a LinkedIn integration into Sales Navigator. It’s a chrome extension, and it’s very simple. It allows you to automate things you would normally do on LinkedIn. So let’s take a look at those things you would normally want to automate on LinkedIn. I would want to visit all of these people, and I would want to collect their information. And I would want to put it into our CRM. So we do that with our first module, it’s called Autolink. Click into Autolink. You build a list to put it in. I’m going to call it “test 01.” And I’m going to collect all 13 people. And I’m going to do it in a very short bit of time. And all it’s doing – it’s like having a virtual assistant. It’s quick, it’s efficient, and it’s 100% accurate. And it’s typing, so to speak. It goes through, and it copies all of the information – first name, last name, title, company, and a bunch of other fields – and stores them into a localized database on your laptop or desktop. I’m going to stop it because it’s done. But if it was multiple pages, it would’ve gone page one, page two, all the way through to page 50, 100. It doesn’t matter. In any event, we have now collected all of that information. And collecting information is valuable, but it’s not the end-all. The end-all really is starting to create an environment on LinkedIn that is very active – inbound traffic. So I’m going to hit this button over here. It’s a visiting button. It’s going to visit each contact one at a time, and it’s doing several things here. Most importantly, it’s visiting the people on your list. And by visiting people on your list, you can get visits back. Statistically, if you visit a hundred people a day, eight of them will visit you back.
Our limitation with our software is that you can visit 250 people per day. So, if you think about it – those look-backs – that’s going to be close to 20 contacts in a day. Those are people that you filtered and decided these are the people you want. And then they visited you back. That is a perfect opportunity to go to the next step of our software, which is to connect with them right here. You can connect with them with personalized templates. You can have as many templates as you want based on the message you want to say in your template, based on who you’re visiting or who you’re not visiting. And then you can also message your existing connections. You can also message people that are premium users – also open profiles – that’s about 30 to 39 percent of LinkedIn accounts are premium users that have open profiles. And you can send up to 50 InMails a day for free. Fifty InMails a day for free. It’s a great value. Inchworm is like having a virtual assistant for $25 a month. And it allows you to do eight hours worth of work in 15 minutes every day. So if you have any questions visit us at YesData.com. Otherwise, have a great day, and I appreciate your time.
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